| In the February 13th 2000, Haven city was a little and quiet town located in the Knox County, in the southern part of Maine, the federal state of the United States. Edward was only 14 years old when his father, the sheriff Dylan Sherman, was found dead on the dirt road leading to the White Forest. A big fir had fallen on his car. Ted, as they called the boy, and his mother Meryl, never believed in that version of the facts. He became very young police agent like his father, Ted, at thirty, was appointed deputy police chief from Wayne Bennet, nicknamed "Reed", because of the color of his hair. Childhood friend of Dylan and always secretly in love with Meryl, the sheriff Reed had taken care of the Shermans, as if they were his family. Sixteen years after the tragic event, the quiet town of Haven City was rocked by violent murders. The difficult collaboration between the FBI and the domestic police agents, initially made especially complicated investigations. Without one motive, and after there were found strange tattooed marks on the victims' necks, they thought to be in front of a case of ritual murder as those committed by satanic cults. But the discovery of large gold veins in the basement of Haven City led to a breakthrough in the investigations. Blinded by anger and thirst for revenge, Edward Sherman, will endanger his life, and decides to make inquiries by his own. A series of daring events and of great tension, will lead to the arrest of several people. But when the case will seem to be resolved, there will be a plot twist that will keep the reader in great suspense. The murderer is still free, but in a high-voltage suspense final, his face will be unveiled. | | Angelo Vaccarella The Secret of Haven City Trhiller - 2017 ISBN-10: 1521154988 ISBN-13: 978-1521154984 Independently published